Explore birth chart readings

Business/ career chart reading

Cosmic Cowgirls’ specialty reading!


Biz & career chart reading

90 min $230

  • Ready for a business or career makeover? Come to the Wild West Saloon and get ready to learn astrology from a new perspective; how to use it for anything career & business related. Working with the natural energy around us covers all part of our lives- your career and work life is a big part of it!

    Let's dive into your birth chart and see where you are meant to shine- and of course how to get there.

    Wheter you have your own business or work for someone else, this reading offers insight into how you can work in an easeful and harmonious way according to your cosmic blueprint.

    In this session we cover;
    -Your career line (MC/ midheaven line) and ideal career paths based on your chart
    -The 12 houses from a business perspective
    -Planets in business astrology
    -Important transits and when to launch new projects
    -Introduction on how to do branding, messaging and partnerships according to your chart (check out North Node Lodge for full offering on this)
    -Money placement (2nd and 8th house)
    -How to make a birth chart for your business (if applicable)

    After your saloon visit in the Wild West, you will have a better idea about where you are meant to shine, your unique gifts and talents, ideal career paths, and the best ways to earn money. Like a cosmic redo for your professional life!

    This a reading that helps you identify what sets your soul on fire and makes you excited to pour your heart into it. Coming back to yourself and your calling is one of the most liberating feelings.

  • In addition to the 90 minute 1-1 reading with me, every session is recorded over Zoom (with consent) and shared with you after the reading. A summary of the material we go through in the session will also be sent with the recording.


Classic birth chart reading

60 min $190

  • Saddle up for an introductory birth chart reading- vanilla style! This readings covers the basics of your birth chart, meaning we will go through:

    -How to read your birth chart
    -Signs, planets, houses
    -Your 'Big 3'; Sun, moon & rising (AC)
    -Important aspects
    -Significant angular points (if any) around AC, IC, DC, MC
    -Introduction to nodal points (soul journey & past lives).
    -Chrion placement (the wounded healer)

    If you are ready to learn more about yourself through the lense of the cosmos, this is the perfect reading to start your journey. Also great for anyone who has started to understand their chart and the basic components of astrology, but wants to learn how its all tied together.

    You will leave the session feeling empowered and unstoppable navigating your next step of this wild journey called life!

  • In addition to the 60 minute 1-1 reading with me, every session is recorded over Zoom (with consent) and shared with you after the reading. A summary of the material we go through in the session will also be sent with the recording.


In depth birth chart reading

75 min $210

  • You've already joined the cosmic rodeo and you are ready to deepen your knowledge, hey? I got you! This is a reading for the cowgirls who's not satisfied with scratching the surface- you want more. Wether you know a lot about astrology or just want more time to explore your chart, this is your reading.

    In this 75 minute session we allow ourselves time to explore important aspects of your chart and really get a full picture view. Depending on which area you want to explore in more detail, the overarching topics in this reading are:

    -All personal planets (Sun, Moon, rising, Mercury, Venus & Mars)
    -Social planets (Jupiter & Saturn)
    -Important aspects
    -Significant angular points (if any) around AC, IC, DC, MC
    -Nodal points, aka north and south node (soul journey & past lives).
    -Chrion placement (the wounded healer)
    -Major transits happening in your chart and their lessons

    This session also allows you to request in-depth knowledge and my take on specific topics or areas in your chart.

    You will leave this session with a lot more knowledge- both astrologically, about your personal journey and how to move forward with more clarity. Unstoppable cowgirl ahead!

  • In addition to the 75 minute 1-1 reading with me, every session is recorded over Zoom (with consent) and shared with you after the reading. A summary of the material we go through in the session will also be sent with the recording.



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